Kanupriya Goswami,
The True
and Function of the Living Entity. 40, 268 pages. 2001.
This is a translation of Kanupriya Goswami's Jiver Svarup o Svadharmo by Jan
Brzezinski (Jagadananda Das). It is undoubtedly one of the great
classics of 20th century Vaisnava reflection and writing. There
hardly be a better introduction to the essentials of Caitanya
Vaisnavism. Tinkudi
Goswami referred to it as a superb introduction to the Sat-sandarbha of Sri Jiva Goswami.
$12.00 plus shipping and handling
(USA, Canada, and Mexico);
$17.00 plus shipping and handling
the USA
USA, Canada, and Mexico
Outside the USA, Canada, and Mexico Orders:
Also by Kanupriya Goswami: The Dawn of the Age of Love. 63
pages. 1999.

This is a translation of two essays originally published in 1929, a
short essay on the Holy Name and a longish one on the appearance of Sri
Caitanya Mahaprabhu, by Kanupriya Goswami. It is translated by
Jan Brzezinski and gives a good introduction to some of the key ideas
of the Goswami, ideas he will develop in greater detail in his later
Price: $8.00 plus shipping and handling
(USA, Canada, and Mexico)
or $13.00 plus shipping and handling (elsewhere).
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